
Spirituality is a huge part of my life. I’m a mystic and believe that we live in a vibrational universe. I believe in magic, spirit guides, and energy. I’m a keen student of Abraham-Hicks and of St. Germain.

Get Empowered… and Get out of the Way!

I believe that everybody can achieve anything they want as long as they get out of the way! Removing obstacles such as trauma and stress, and identifying and changing subconscious beliefs are some of the ways that we can get out of our own way. For years, I’ve been writing on my blog, TheVortex.me, about spiritual tools which allow people to find those beliefs and remove their own blockages.

Our Natural State is Sublime Joy and an Open Heart

Our natural state is what St. Germain describes as “sublime joy.” It’s a state of elation, alignment, and open heartedness. You love everyone and everything, and it’s revealed when you eliminate stress, like hosing mud from a glass screen. Our true self is loving and joyful.

I’ve been able to achieve this state almost daily by:

  • Eliminating stress with a PSYCH-K Stress Release. I listen to high vibration music (OM Sanctuary and OM Serenity) for at least one hour each morning and night.
  • Avoiding mass consciousness as much as possible. Movies, social media, TV, news, and gossip are mostly low vibration. Avoiding them is hugely beneficial.
  • Creating a ritual and having an altar. An altar with crystals and a candle in a very dark room sets the tone and puts me in the space of Sublime Joy.
  • Being aware of the thoughts and thought patterns that come into my mind, and clearing them if they do not serve me.